2024-25 Player Fees
Player Fees
Player fees for all Eastside High School soccer teams are $275
If a family household has two players, the combined fees are $375
If a family household has three or more players, the combined fees are $425
2024-25 Deadline for player fees: February 6, 2025
How To Pay
Fees are paid by check or Venmo
Checks should be made payable to Eastside Soccer and delivered
to Coach Bennett or Coach Vega (varsity teams coaches).
Please be sure to note the player's name on the check.
Venmo payments should be made to @EastsideSoccerProgram
Please make sure to note the player's name.​​​​​​​​

PLEASE NOTE: Player fees can be 100% covered by collecting soccer program sponsors.
Sponsors are very important to the financial stability and success of the soccer program. Each year, the program expends thousands of dollars to purchase equipment used in practices and games, travel, food, and miscellaneous items. Uniforms are a huge expense for the program, but those are purchased every 2-3 years. However the cost of uniforms is so large, it is necessary for us to budget for that expense over the course of multiple years. The revenue collone ected from sponsorships lowers the player fee for everyone and can reduce or completely eliminate a player's fees.
Sponsors that are new to the program pay $300.
Sponsors who are returning to the program from last year pay $175​​
How Collecting Sponsors Reduces Player Fees
If a player collects three (3) sponsors, their player fee is 100% covered.
If a player collects two (2) sponsors, their player fee is 66% covered, meaning the player pays $93.50
If a player collects one (1) sponsor, their player fee is 33% covered, meaning the player pays $181.50
Households with multiple players should collect sponsors for each player.
Sponsorship information and the sponsor signup form can be found on the program website in the Sponsor section.